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This reference library focusses on the fundamentals of true literacy which, once understood and mastered, will bring about in yourself an ability to readily communicate in writing or verbally so as to be understood, and to readily understand what one reads and hears. Essentially, you will become an able learner.

Of course, an increased ability to critically think is a natural consequence of developing true literacy in yourself.

Learning is a life-long activity. The more you learn something well, and can use that information and put it in to practice, the more competent you will be in life. And that's certainly worth aiming for!

One of the key focus is on the misunderstood word. A misunderstood word is a word which is not understood, or a word which is wrongly understood.  Misunderstood words are the major cause of educational and learning failures across all sectors of society. It is also what causes students to turn into 'parrots', memorising information without any understanding so that they can pass an exam, and quickly forgetting what they have tried to learn!!

The misunderstood word is also behind failures to learn to read and spell properly.

I encourage you to spend a little time reading up on these topics in this excellent reference library. The sooner you are able to recognise when you have a misunderstood word and how to effectively clarify them, as well as recognising the symptoms of having gone past a misunderstood word,  the sooner you will become an able learner.

Should you have any question, email your question to .

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